IPA-the largest police organisation in the world was formed on January 1st 1950. Since then her Esperanto moto “Servo per Amikeco” (Serving through friendship) has reached unimaginable number of people.
The Association was formed because the police sergeant from Lincolnshire, England, Arthur Troop wanted to build bridges of friendship and international cooperation between police officers.
Arthur Troop was born on December 15th, 1914 in Lincoln, England, where he spent his childhood and attended Elementary school. He began his career as a mechanic, but soon he found interest in other areas. He studied at the Ruskyn College, Oxford and gained a diploma in economics and social science. He finished 3- year-studies of Russian history simultaneously. He was awarded a scholarship to visit Moscow and Leningrad in 1934. After that he finished 2-year-studies of agriculture at Avoncroft Agricultural College in Worcestershire.
On June 19th, 1936 Arthur found a job in police station in Lincolnshire, were he performed a variety of tasks, but in the end he specialised in traffic control. Right after II World War, Arthur set himsefl an enormus task to form world organisation of friendship among the police officers. He has always believed more in human conversation than in conflict, and has always believed in the positive qualities of friendship. However, as time passed by, he was regarded as a freak and proven oppositionist by the head of his police station.

With the help of his colleagues who were the first pioneers in establishing the police cooperation, he worked tirelessly to encourage the formation of other national sections. Soon there were sections all arround the world: Western Europe, Africa, America (North and South), Asia, Australia. In 1955, in the first meeting of international executive comitee in Paris, he became first international secretary and he stayed in that duty until 1966 when he resigned for personal reasons.
Following the achievements that Arthur Throop accomplished in creating the concept what IPA should be, the attitude of the authorities towards IPA was changing.
On the list of awards for Queens birthday in 1965, Arthur Troop was awarded for work in foundation of IPA with medal of British Empire. Later on he won many prizes abroad: Honorary Doctorate from Canada; Baptism of Honor from the President of the Republic of Austria; Golden sword in Hungary.

He retired in 1966, but hisdesire to help the others remained. He participated in the work of the department of Lincolnshire social assistance, as a home visitor for the blind, and again received national recognition for humanitarian work in providing Guide Dogs. Even through his later illness, he and his wife continued with humanitary work.
Political changes in Eastern Europe were catalyst for further expansion of the association. As a former member of leadership, he regulary attended the meetings where his views were respected and taken into account. He won a gold medal of the association on the 11th World Congress, and at 26th IEC Conference in Wiena 1995, Arthur was awarded with IPA world police reward.
Despite of his serious illness, Arthur was preparing for jubilary world congress (50 years since foundation), that took place in Bournemouth in May 2000. Her Royal Highness, Princess Ana, gave the recognition to the man from Lincolnshire at openinng ceremony, for enormous effort in accomplishing great task- foundation of IPA. Her Royal Highness said afterwards “… Arthur Troop came through difficult situations, isolation and lack of interest in order to get where none of us could even imagine”.
On June 22nd in 2000, Arthur and Majorie were celebrating 60th anniversary of their marriage. Unfortunately, after the long illness, Arthur closed his eyes during one afternoon nap on Thursday, November 30th in 2000. Arthur was just an regular British policeman with a dream who achieved his goals by founding the largest world police organisation of police officers.
International Police Association (IPA) is a professional organization of policemen, which has over 400,000 members in over 60 countries all over the world. We are the witnesses of the steady growth of IPA which has undeniably become a major police organization in the world both in terms of number of members and its influence.
Founding ideas of Arthur Troop remain even today…
IPA is the only international professional organisation of police officers, active and retired ones regardless of their function, rank, religion, sex, nationality, race.
IPA is politically and commercially completely independent and disconnected from any other organization or association.
IPA is open to police officers of all countries, for simple and limitless relationship between police officers and for establishing possibilities of mutual changes of professional experience.
IPA is registered on the basis of its objectives in the Council of Europe and the UN with consultative status as an international organization.

The goals of this organization are:
– encouraging the exchange of professional experience,
– fostering friendships among police officers within member states,
– improving relations between the police and the public opinion,
– encouraging social and humanitarian activities,
– encouraging cultural and sports cooperation of the policemen from member countries.
IPA organization organises the following activities:
– programme training courses for police officers in the training center in Gimborn (Germany),
– international seminars related to police professions and problems,
– meetings of police officers of the Member States in order to exchange professional experiences on various issues,
– organizing staying at IPA houses (mini hotels) for the members od IPA organization at affordable prices,
– organizing cultural and sport cooperation between Member States,
– colllecting humanitarian aid for police officers, members of IPA, who lost their lives in naturas disasters, illnesses, etc.
– giving scholarships for talented students with insufficient incomes.
The first contact Police Department in Sabac with this organization dates back in 1999, when a delegation of IPA sections of Greece, Cephalonia region conducted a campaign to collect humanitarian assistance to families of killed police officers and soldiers from Macva district.
The first contact was achieved thanks to the civil partnership of twin cities of Sabac and Argostoli (Cephalonia-Greece) and the enthusiasm of the President of the IPA section Cephalonia region, Mr Janis Dukas and President of the Society of Greek-Serbian friendship, Mr dr Viktor Ruhotasa. Provided for contribution to the development of friendly relations between the two nations, Mr dr Viktor Ruhotas, was named for Honorary Consul of our country in Greece prefecture of Cephalonia – Ithaca.
At the regular annual meeting of IPA sections of Greece, which was held from 4th to 8th May 2005 in Crete, the delegation of the Ministry, presented arguments succeeded to gain approval from IPA leadership to conduct Founding congress.
Founding Congress which was held in Belgrade March 4th 2006, Intrenational Police Association (IPA) section of Serbia and Montenegro has been established and Executive Council and the Supervisory Board were also elected
The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in January 25th 2007 has re-registered IPA section Serbia and Montenegro with its decison in the IPA Serbian section because all legal and other necessary conditions were created.
IPA certificate
IPA Section Serbia, in 2007, in Balaton (Hungary) with votes of all participants, were accepted in full membership.